Monday, August 24, 2020

Coffee †Starbucks Essay

Starbucks is a top notch espresso distributer which has wandered from its unique assistance of espresso. The coming of more current innovation has lessened the Starbucks experience. Howard Schultz, Starbucks administrators, sent an update on February 14, 2007 tending to this issue to the president and CEO of Starbucks, Jim Donald. In the reminder, Schultz voiced his conclusion on how the quick extension of Starbucks is making him revaluate the company’s values between how it worked when it started and where it is going later on. Starbucks isn’t a similar neighborhood store as it was the point at which it was built up and no longer shows the enthusiasm for espresso that they had in the first place. â€Å"I have said for a long time that our prosperity isn't a qualification and now it’s ending up being a reality. Let’s be more brilliant about how we are investing our energy, cash and assets. Let’s return to the core† (Schultz). Alongside its development, Starbucks has been attempting to use new advances to improve the item they offer to shoppers. Starbucks changed their coffee machines from manual to programmed to accelerate administration and productivity. These machines â€Å"blocked the visual sight line the client recently needed to watch the beverage being made, and for the close involvement in the barista† (Schultz). Individuals no longer have that close association with the individuals making their espresso, or to the completed item. The representatives are likewise more disassociated from their work in view of these new machines that accelerate creation. Starbucks likewise fused flavor-bolted bundling to gracefully the interest for new simmered espresso. This is an extraordinary support of the client since it keeps espresso beans or beans fresher longer, yet the adequacy of the flavor-bolted packs added to the loss of smell, â€Å"perhaps the most impressive non-verbal signal†, in Starbucks (Schultz). The sentiment of Starbucks is lost with these enhancements and the exceptional fragrance is decreased alongside its legacy. Starbucks is as yet an espresso cherishing organization, and shoppers are as yet getting the espresso treats they need, yet at what cost to custom. https://destinations. google. com/site/hollymadalyn/composing/Starbucks-Research-paper SYNOPSIS Starbucks Corporation, initially established in 1971, yet bought by Howard Schultz in 1987, is the market chief in selling gourmet espresso (Starbucks, 2008). Starbuck’s primary goal is to set up itself as the most regarded and perceived espresso brand on the planet (Fact Sheet, 2008). Starbucks has achieved this goal and experienced a lot of progress through their serious technique of bunching a few stores inside a similar network and through their particular capabilities of simmering and selling the quality espresso while giving top notch client assistance. The inquiry is, can Starbucks proceed with their piece of the pie development with rising contenders? Would it be advisable for them to concentrate more on their universal activities? Can they persistently reevaluate themselves to keep up their solid image picture over the long haul? Issues. †¢ Overall financial downturn can influence Starbucks’ piece of the pie if the board fails to address competitors’ techniques with lower estimated contributions as buyers are getting increasingly preservationist in spending their optional salary. †¢ Loss of personality and validness centered upon the primary Starbucks experience, which, if unaddressed by the executives, can bring about disappointed clients, loss of deals, and diminished piece of the overall industry. †¢ Considering the economy and expanding household rivalry inside the U. S. , Starbucks must address their less beneficial global tasks. SWOT ANALYSIS[1] INDUSTRY EVALUATION In the previous two decades, the espresso business has encountered a critical increment in the interest for premium espresso. Today, around one out of five Americans drinks some kind of coffee based espresso drink every day. The normal yearly espresso utilization per capita in the U. S. is around 4. 4Kg. Among these espresso consumers, the normal utilization is 3. 1 cups of espresso for each day, with men drinking roughly 1. 9 cups for each day, and ladies drinking a normal of 1. 4 cups for each day (Coffee Research†¦ [continues].

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Hamlet Quotations Act 1 Essay

Hamlet Quotations Act 1 INSTRUCTIONS:î€Æ' Forî€Æ'eachî€Æ'quote:î€Æ' (a)î€Æ'î€Æ'Identifyî€Æ'theî€Æ'speaker,î€Æ'toî€Æ'whomî€Æ'itî€Æ'isî€Æ'addressed,î€Æ'andî€Æ'theî€Æ'situation,î€Æ' (b)î€Æ'î€Æ'Explainî€Æ'(inî€Æ'detail)î€Æ'theî€Æ'significanceî€Æ'ofî€Æ'theî€Æ'quoteî€Æ'inî€Æ'termsî€Æ'ofî€Æ'allî€Æ'thatî€Æ'apply:î€Æ'î€Æ'themes,î€Æ'characterî€Æ'revelation,î€Æ'plotî€Æ' development,î€Æ'dramaticî€Æ'devicesî€Æ'(irony,î€Æ'foreshadowing†¦),î€Æ'poeticî€Æ'devicesî€Æ'(simile,î€Æ'metaphor,î€Æ'alliteration†¦),î€Æ'etc.î€Æ' (c)î€Æ'î€Æ'Uploadî€Æ'toî€Æ'turnitin.comî€Æ' EXAMPLE:î€Æ' â€Å"Thisî€Æ'bodesî€Æ'someî€Æ'strangeî€Æ'eruptionî€Æ'toî€Æ'ourî€Æ'state.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' (a)​î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'Horatioî€Æ'isî€Æ'speakingî€Æ'toî€Æ'MarcellusÍ ¾Ã®â‚¬Æ'Horatioî€Æ'isî€Æ'referringî€Æ'toî€Æ'theî€Æ'ghostî€Æ'ofî€Æ'Hamletî€Æ'Sr.î€Æ'thatî€Æ'theyî€Æ'haveî€Æ'justî€Æ'witnessed.î€Æ'î€Æ' (b)​î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'Horatioî€Æ'believesî€Æ'thatî€Æ'theî€Æ'ghostî€Æ'isî€Æ'appearingî€Æ'becauseî€Æ'foulî€Æ'playî€Æ'wasî€Æ'involvedî€Æ'withî€Æ'Hamletî€Æ'Sr.’sî€Æ'death.î€Æ'î€Æ'Heî€Æ'isî€Æ'notî€Æ'positiveî€Æ' aboutî€Æ'it,î€Æ'butî€Æ'heî€Æ'knowsî€Æ'thatî€Æ'somethingî€Æ'â€Å"strange†Ã®â‚¬Æ'isî€Æ'happening.î€Æ'î€Æ'Thisî€Æ'eventî€Æ'putsî€Æ'theî€Æ'actionî€Æ'ofî€Æ'theî€Æ'playî€Æ'inî€Æ'motionî€Æ'(plotî€Æ' development).î€Æ'î€Æ'Also,î€Æ'theî€Æ'commentî€Æ'foreshadowsî€Æ'theî€Æ'impendingî€Æ'doomî€Æ'thatî€Æ'Denmarkî€Æ'mayî€Æ'beî€Æ'facing.î€Æ' 1.î€Æ' â€Å"Aî€Æ'littleî€Æ'moreî€Æ'thanî€Æ'kin,î€Æ'andî€Æ'lessî€Æ'thanî€Æ'kind.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 2.î€Æ' â€Å"Weî€Æ'prayî€Æ'youî€Æ'throwî€Æ'toî€Æ'earthî€Æ'thisî€Æ'unprevailingî€Æ'woe,î€Æ'andî€Æ'thinkî€Æ'ofî€Æ'usî€Æ'asî€Æ'aî€Æ'father†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 3.î€Æ' â€Å"Oî€Æ'thatî€Æ'thisî€Æ'tooî€Æ'tooî€Æ'sulliedî€Æ'fleshî€Æ'wouldî€Æ'melt†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 4.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Frailty,î€Æ'thyî€Æ'nameî€Æ'isî€Æ'woman†¦Oî€Æ'mostî€Æ'wickedî€Æ'speed!î€Æ'Toî€Æ'postî€Æ'withî€Æ'suchî€Æ'dexterityî€Æ'toî€Æ'incestuousî€Æ'sheets!†Ã®â‚¬Æ' â€Å"Doî€Æ'notî€Æ'asî€Æ'someî€Æ'ungraciousî€Æ'pastorsî€Æ'do,î€Æ'showî€Æ'meî€Æ'theî€Æ'steepî€Æ'andî€Æ'thornyî€Æ'wayî€Æ'toî€Æ'heaven,î€Æ'whileî€Æ'likeî€Æ'aî€Æ'puff’dî€Æ' andî€Æ'recklessî€Æ'libertineî€Æ'himselfî€Æ'theî€Æ'primroseî€Æ'pathî€Æ'ofî€Æ'dallianceî€Æ'treads†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 6.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Thisî€Æ'aboveî€Æ'all:î€Æ'toî€Æ'thineî€Æ'ownî€Æ'selfî€Æ'beî€Æ'true†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 7.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Whenî€Æ'theî€Æ'bloodî€Æ'burns,î€Æ'howî€Æ'prodigalî€Æ'theî€Æ'soulî€Æ'lendsî€Æ'theî€Æ'tongueî€Æ'vows.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 8.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'dramî€Æ'ofî€Æ'evilî€Æ'dothî€Æ'allî€Æ'theî€Æ'nobleî€Æ'substanceî€Æ'î€Æ'oftenî€Æ'doutî€Æ'toî€Æ'hisî€Æ'ownî€Æ'scandal.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 9.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Somethingî€Æ'isî€Æ'rottenî€Æ'inî€Æ'theî€Æ'stateî€Æ'ofî€Æ'Denmark.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 10.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Revengeî€Æ'hisî€Æ'foulî€Æ'andî€Æ'mostî€Æ'unnaturalî€Æ'murder.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 11.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Hasteî€Æ'meî€Æ'toî€Æ'know’t,î€Æ'thatî€Æ'Iî€Æ'withî€Æ'wingsî€Æ'asî€Æ'swiftî€Æ'asî€Æ'meditationî€Æ'orî€Æ'theî€Æ'thoughtsî€Æ'ofî€Æ'loveî€Æ'mayî€Æ'sweepî€Æ'toî€Æ'myî€Æ'revenge.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 12.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'serpentî€Æ'thatî€Æ'didî€Æ'stingî€Æ'yourî€Æ'father’sî€Æ'lifeî€Æ'nowî€Æ'wearsî€Æ'hisî€Æ'crown.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Oî€Æ'myî€Æ'propheticî€Æ'soul!î€Æ'Myî€Æ'uncle!†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 13.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Oî€Æ'mostî€Æ'perniciousî€Æ'woman!î€Æ'î€Æ'Oî€Æ'villain,î€Æ'villain,î€Æ'smilingî€Æ'damnedî€Æ'villain!†¦Thatî€Æ'oneî€Æ'mayî€Æ'smile,î€Æ'andî€Æ'smile,î€Æ'andî€Æ'beî€Æ'aî€Æ' villain.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 14.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Thereî€Æ'areî€Æ'moreî€Æ'thingsî€Æ'inî€Æ'heavenî€Æ'andî€Æ'earth,î€Æ'†¦Thanî€Æ'areî€Æ'dreamtî€Æ'ofî€Æ'inî€Æ'yourî€Æ'philosophy.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 15.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'timeî€Æ'isî€Æ'outî€Æ'ofî€Æ'joint.î€Æ'î€Æ'Oî€Æ'cursedî€Æ'spite,î€Æ'thatî€Æ'Iî€Æ'wasî€Æ'bornî€Æ'toî€Æ'setî€Æ'itî€Æ'right.†Ã®â‚¬Æ'

Saturday, July 25, 2020

6 Tips to Improve Your Creativity - Focus

6 Tips to Improve Your Creativity - Focus Who doesnt know the feeling: You need to come up with a great idea, solve a finicky problem or create an inspired design, but your creativity seems to have gone on vacation â€" without you. Everyone faces this problem at some point, which is why weve put together a list of six simple ways to improve your creativity, which should help you get unstuck in no time. Take a look! 1. Try working in a coffee shop or restaurant A study from 2012 has found that a moderate level of ambient noise, which can be found in a coffee shop, quiet bar or restaurant, for instance, enhances performance on creative tasks. The researchers theorize that “a moderate (vs. low) level of ambient noise is likely to induce processing disfluency or processing difficulty, which activates abstract cognition and consequently enhances creative performance.” 2. Give yourself time to daydream A study conducted by a group of American and Canadian researchers in 2009 has found that letting your mind wander may evoke a unique mental state that allows your brain to come up with more creative ideas. Letting your mind wander is often not a conscious choice, it simply happens while you’re going through menial tasks such as weeding, showering or washing the dishes. The effect it has on your creativity also seems to depend on your being unaware that you are, in fact, daydreaming. 3. Take a walk A recent Stanford study  has found that walking is a great way to improve creativity. It’s not about the change of scenery, though, so it doesn’t matter whether you walk on a treadmill in your office or on a nice path through the forest. According to the study, “Walking opens up the free flow  of ideas, and it is a simple and robust solution to the goals of increasing creativity and increasing physical activity.” 4. Pretend to be someone else, somewhere else Various studies1  have found evidence that we get better at creative problem solving when the problem is removed from us through something they call psychological distance. You can create psychological distance by projecting the problem into the distant future, by imagining it to originate in a place far away, or by pretending that the person experiencing the problem isnt you, but somebody else entirely. 5. Use a mind map to find new ideas by association When it comes to developing creative ideas, mind mapping is one of the most well-known techniques today. Research has found mind maps to be helpful when it comes to curing writer’s block2  and creative problem-solving3, as well as generating, visualizing and organizing ideas4. Their radiant structure enables you to develop new ideas by association and add them anywhere on the map. Additionally, they offer a visual overview of a topic that can help you see connections between ideas you might have missed otherwise. Discover mind mapping! Get Started! Its Free Get Started! 6. Collaborate with friends or colleagues In her book “Creative Collaboration” Dr. Vera John-Steiner finds that “humans come into being and mature in relation to others, new skills are acquired, participants develop previously unknown aspects of themselves, and they increase their repertory of cognitive and emotional expression.” She concludes that social interactions are crucial, because they provide a non-judgmental ear for emerging ideas. tl;dr Next time you have a problem that requires a creative solution, grab your laptop and a colleague and head to the next coffee shop. Project your problem into another, far-away time or place, then open your mind map app and start scribbling down ideas. If that doesn’t work, go for a walk or start a menial task such as washing the dishes, and simply let your mind wander. Use a  mobile app to capture your  flashes of genius in a  mind map where you can later expand them further. Have you tried any of these techniques to improve your creativity? Share your experiences in the comments below! 1.  and 2. Joyce Wycoff (1986: 59) 3. Vasilije Kokotovich, University of Technology, Sydney, Faculty of Design Architecture Building, P.O. Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia 4. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009. Unleash Your Creativity with Mind Maps Get Started Its free! Get Started 6 Tips to Improve Your Creativity - Focus Who doesnt know the feeling: You need to come up with a great idea, solve a finicky problem or create an inspired design, but your creativity seems to have gone on vacation â€" without you. Everyone faces this problem at some point, which is why weve put together a list of six simple ways to improve your creativity, which should help you get unstuck in no time. Take a look! 1. Try working in a coffee shop or restaurant A study from 2012 has found that a moderate level of ambient noise, which can be found in a coffee shop, quiet bar or restaurant, for instance, enhances performance on creative tasks. The researchers theorize that “a moderate (vs. low) level of ambient noise is likely to induce processing disfluency or processing difficulty, which activates abstract cognition and consequently enhances creative performance.” 2. Give yourself time to daydream A study conducted by a group of American and Canadian researchers in 2009 has found that letting your mind wander may evoke a unique mental state that allows your brain to come up with more creative ideas. Letting your mind wander is often not a conscious choice, it simply happens while you’re going through menial tasks such as weeding, showering or washing the dishes. The effect it has on your creativity also seems to depend on your being unaware that you are, in fact, daydreaming. 3. Take a walk A recent Stanford study  has found that walking is a great way to improve creativity. It’s not about the change of scenery, though, so it doesn’t matter whether you walk on a treadmill in your office or on a nice path through the forest. According to the study, “Walking opens up the free flow  of ideas, and it is a simple and robust solution to the goals of increasing creativity and increasing physical activity.” 4. Pretend to be someone else, somewhere else Various studies1  have found evidence that we get better at creative problem solving when the problem is removed from us through something they call psychological distance. You can create psychological distance by projecting the problem into the distant future, by imagining it to originate in a place far away, or by pretending that the person experiencing the problem isnt you, but somebody else entirely. 5. Use a mind map to find new ideas by association When it comes to developing creative ideas, mind mapping is one of the most well-known techniques today. Research has found mind maps to be helpful when it comes to curing writer’s block2  and creative problem-solving3, as well as generating, visualizing and organizing ideas4. Their radiant structure enables you to develop new ideas by association and add them anywhere on the map. Additionally, they offer a visual overview of a topic that can help you see connections between ideas you might have missed otherwise. Discover mind mapping! Get Started! Its Free Get Started! 6. Collaborate with friends or colleagues In her book “Creative Collaboration” Dr. Vera John-Steiner finds that “humans come into being and mature in relation to others, new skills are acquired, participants develop previously unknown aspects of themselves, and they increase their repertory of cognitive and emotional expression.” She concludes that social interactions are crucial, because they provide a non-judgmental ear for emerging ideas. tl;dr Next time you have a problem that requires a creative solution, grab your laptop and a colleague and head to the next coffee shop. Project your problem into another, far-away time or place, then open your mind map app and start scribbling down ideas. If that doesn’t work, go for a walk or start a menial task such as washing the dishes, and simply let your mind wander. Use a  mobile app to capture your  flashes of genius in a  mind map where you can later expand them further. Have you tried any of these techniques to improve your creativity? Share your experiences in the comments below! 1.  and 2. Joyce Wycoff (1986: 59) 3. Vasilije Kokotovich, University of Technology, Sydney, Faculty of Design Architecture Building, P.O. Box 123, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia 4. Al-Jarf, R. (2009), ‘Enhancing Freshman students’ Writing Skills with a Mind Mapping software’. Paper presented at the 5th International Scientific Conference, eLearning and Software for Education, Bucharest, April 2009. Unleash Your Creativity with Mind Maps Get Started Its free! Get Started

Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on Behind Meat and Meat Factories - 1404 Words

Background/History Meat has been in our diet since the start of mankind. We eat meat everyday mindlessly. It is hard to avoid meat since it is everywhere we go. Meat is the majority of today’s food. There are very few vegetarian or vegan options in the food industry. Although, it has been growing more and more popular since it has become a lifestyle. The reason is to be the horrifying truth of today’s meat industry. For those who cannot bear the truth, pick up the vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. In 1906, Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle was that starting point when the new coming meat industry was exposed. It began the Meat Inspection Act and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Since meat was such in high of demands, farmers had to†¦show more content†¦Meat production is just more than animal cruelty and health risk, it is an environment issue also. Over producing livestock unbalance the ecosystem. The manure produced by the animal pollutes bodies of water from runoff (Motavalli). Meat production does not only affect humans, fresh water for other inhabitants are also at risk of disease and illnesses from drinking feces contaminated water. This can potentially kill off species. Not only are bodies of water are threatened, the land is also. Over grazing of lands causes erosion (Motavalli). Over grazing can kill off plants, which again, ruins the ecosystem. Other wildlife need the plants there to live, not just livestock. Most people would’ve never th ought of the meat they eat is damaging the environment. In most third world countries meat is usually scarced. Even if there is meat available, it is extremely expensive and is eaten on special occasions. Here in the states and most first world countries, meat is found in abundance and can be cheaper than plant produce. The large production in the meat industry made meat cheaper. A surprising fact that â€Å"70 percent of grain produced is fed to animals† (Motavalli). The amount of grain put into an animal and the amount of meat that is produced is less than the grains. The same applies for fresh water. Hypothetically, the grain could be able to feed starving communities in thirdShow MoreRelatedThe Rise Of The Progressive Era1418 Words   |  6 Pagesto problems caused by large factories and cities. Furthermore, they attacked big corporations, such as the Armour meat-packing company and others, for how harsh their practices were. The progressives exposed these companies and how they treated workers, removed competitors, and set hi gh prices. The meatpacking industry capitalized when the growth of livestock farming in the Midwest started to grow rapidly. Meatpacking companies and industries, such as the Armour meat-packing company, handle the slaughteringRead MoreEating Animals, by Jonathan Safran Foer Essay947 Words   |  4 Pagesto us what actually occurs in the factory farming system. The issue circulating in this book is whether to eat meat or not to eat meat. Foer, however, never tries to convert his reader to become vegetarians but rather to inform them with information so they can respond with better judgment. Eating meat has been a thing that majority of us engage in without question. Which is why among other reasons Foer feels compelled to share his findings about where our meat come from. Throughout the book, heRead MoreThe Ethics of Eating Meat Essay663 Words   |  3 PagesMeat has been a staple food in the diet of mankind since the early ages of civilization. In the article â€Å"Is Any Meat G ood to Eat?† by Sarah Boesveld, she interviews author Jonathan Safran to share his opinion on eating meat and factory farming. 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Meat Eater There are two main lifestyles that we as human beings practice that impact our eating habits. One being a Vegetarian, a person who chooses not to eat meat. The other being a Meat Eater (also known as an Omnivore), a person who chooses to eat both meat and vegetables. A controversial debate continues to go on, evaluating the pros and cons of each group, along with the reasons behind their choice. In the end it all depends on the individual’s outlook on life that makes theRead MoreThe Effects Of Beef On Cattle Farms1490 Words   |  6 Pagesutilize hormones and other additives on cattle in factory farms. Farms often feed animals hormones to quicken the slaughtering process. Although the factory farms sell a surplus amount of cattle to stores, cattle are being treated unfairly and inhumanely. Cattle in farm factories are subject to the injection of hormones, harsh environments and poor physical treatment. Due to the utilization of hormones, abuse of cows and monopolization of c attle factories livestock farms, cows are deprived of basic needsRead MoreMeat, China, And Communication Revolutions1373 Words   |  6 PagesMeat, China, and Communication Revolutions In Armand Mattelart’s book The Invention of Communication, the word â€Å"communication† is acknowledged as term with a great number of meanings. However, Mattelart proposes that communication could be specifically understood as â€Å"circuits of circulation of goods, people, and messages† (Mattelart xiv). This definition is critical to the thesis of this paper, because it alludes to industry being an essential component of communication. This paper will exploreRead MoreFactory Farming Should Be Banned1576 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"Recognize meat for what it really is: the antibiotic- and pesticide- laden corpse of a tortured animal.† says Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder of (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) PETA and animal activist. Factory farming should be banned or demolished thoroughly due to more harm than good that is being presented worldwide. Animal brutality, which can be found constantly and excessively throughout factory farms, is a deleterious act involving the animals and a diabolic act regarding humanRead MoreAnimal Cruelty : The Meat And Dairy Industry1185 Words   |  5 PagesAnimal cruelty continues to plague the meat and dairy industry and a policy to reverse this is enacting stricter regulations on meat and dairy labels that explicitly state the additives and preservatives used on the product. Moreover, my policy will persuade people to purchase meat and dairy that is ethically raised and is not made with preservatives or additives, this is my value of health. Moreover, my policy is for those who eat meat and dairy and are unaware of the health side affects of consumingRead MoreThe Jungle by Upton Sinclair730 Words   |  3 Pagesonly jobs but a better way of life due to the industrial factories. The invention of not only the automobile but the first moving assembly line created a huge market for the developing American economy. This created more jobs and it was evident with the age of imperialism tha t the United States was on the way to being a world power. However during the early 1900’s the part of history that seems to be overlooked is that of the food and meat packing industry. In an eye opening novel entitled The

Friday, May 8, 2020

Summary Of Crito By Plato - 846 Words

In â€Å"Crito† by Plato, Socrates faces a difficult dilemma. Socrates has been wrongfully charged of impiety and corrupting the children and is approached with an offer from his close friend Crito who says he will help Socrates escape and give him a nice place to live away from Athens where he can flee from a wrongful execution. Socrates should stay in prison and face his execution in order to prove he is innocent. Socrates wants to do no wrong at all and comes to the conclusion that escaping would do more harm than facing a wrongful execution. He feels that escaping would be wronging those who wronged him which is still doing wrong. The laws have not wronged Socrates but the people of Athens have. These laws helped him grow into the man he is and he feels he would be doing a disservice to them by going against what he swore to stay true to. When Crito tells Socrates that people will see him as a bad friend Socrates replies, â€Å"But why, my dear Crito, should we care about the opinion of the many? Good men, and they are the only persons who are worth considering, will think of these things truly as they happened†. Basically, Socrates is explaining that what people think is irrelevant and that good men will understand Socrates decision and will not think poorly of Crito as they will see things as they truly happened. If Socrates were to leave he would be breaking his agreement to obey the laws. Socrates swore an oath to accept the verdict and penalty and if he left now he wouldShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Jacques Louis The Death of Socrates1047 Words   |  4 Pages The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis David *summary/description: The Death of Socrates by Jacques Louis David is a striking picture of the aged philosopher sitting upright in his bed moments before the poison is taking its effect with one finger raised to heaven. He is expostulating to his students but the majority of his students turn away unwilling to see the ravishing effects of the drug on their beloved master. One student looks at the ground covering his eyes. Another sits, head loweredRead MoreBroken Family3761 Words   |  16 PagesMain interests: Epistemology, ethics Notable idea: SocraticMethod, Socratic irony Influenced: Most subsequent Western philosophy; more specifically, Plato, Aristotle, Aristippus, Antisthenes Spouse:Xanthippe Children:Menexenus, Lamprocles, Sophroniscus Aristotle Philosopher Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath, a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great â€Å"Personal background† Born: 384 BC Stagira, Chalcidice Died: 322 BC (aged 61 or 62) Euboea Nationality: Greek Era:Read MoreWhat Are The Charges Against Socrates?1019 Words   |  5 Pageshas been conserved of Socrates defense of himself as it was presented before the Athenian Council. It is in essential agreement with the references to the trial that occur in Plato s other dialogs. We may determine that Apology is not written by Socrates and only contains the words of Socrates that were memorized by Plato, since he was present at the time of the trial. However, we know that Socrates was Plato’s teacher and had been admired by him a lot. We should bear in mind that Plato’s viewsRead MoreThe Apology: The Understanding of the Soul in Life and Death Essay1735 Words   |  7 PagesFour main themes are the most important in the assigned section of The Apology. I will begin with a brief synopsis of each major theme, with an analysis and my opinion following, and ending with the question of Socrates own death. Firstly, Plato introduces the important concept that it is far worse for one to do wrong than to suffer wrongdoing. Socrates, refusing to be harmed by Meletus, believes that â€Å"it is not allowed that a good man be injured by a worse† (pg. 41). Despite Socrates impendingRead MoreCartesian and Platonic Philosophical Themes in The Matrix Essay2065 Words   |  9 Pagesare presented in the film. In this analysis, we will examine the questions of skepticism and the mind-body problem separately. Part one will examine how the film broached the subject of skepticism, and in doing so how it ties in to Descartes and Plato. Part two will analyze the mind-body problems as raised by the movie and how those problems hold true or not to Descartes’ and Plato’s ideas. Part One: Skepticism and the Matrix This student of Philosophy now sees the movie The Matrix in a wholeRead More George Gemistos Plethon on God: Aristotle vs Plato Essay4387 Words   |  18 PagesGeorge Gemistos Plethon on God: Aristotle vs Plato In this paper I examine George Gemistos Plethons defense in his De Differentiis of Platos conception of God as superior to that of Aristotles. (2) Plethon asserts that the Platonic conception of God is more consistent with Orthodox Christian theology than the Aristotelian conception. This claim is all the more interesting in light of the fact that Plethon is, as it turns out, a pagan. I argue that Plethon takes the position he does because

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sacramento Valley Resort Tourism Resources Free Essays

SECTION II TOURISM RESOURCES | Tanay lies at the foothills of the Sierra Madre Mountain with bearings 14o  30†² latitude and 121o  17†² longitude. it is | |bounded on the north by the towns of Antipolo, Baras, Teresa and Montalban; on the east by Quezon Province; on the south by Pililla and the| |Province of Laguna; and on the west by Laguna de Bay. Tanay   is divided into two areas: the urban and ruralbarangays. We will write a custom essay sample on Sacramento Valley Resort Tourism Resources or any similar topic only for you Order Now The largest urban | |barangay is Plaza Aldea (2,530 ha. ), and the smallest is Mag-Ampon (27 ha. ). The largest of the rural barangays is Sampaloc (8,899 ha. ), | |and the smallest is Cayabu (679 ha. ). | | Sacramento Valley Resort is a place where everyone can relax and unwind. It has a campsite if you want to experience a | | |different king of activities. It also has a pool and a native type of accommodation which is also one of our plans to improve. The planners| | |focus more on soft activities especially in team building activities that families and teenagers will surely enjoy. The planners are | | |planning to establish more sports activities like basketball, horseback riding , zip lining, hiking, table tennis, rappelling and other | | |more . there is no facilities in the area like spa. Of course, there are people who wants to relax that’s why this plan will establish a | | |spa that will surely make the visitors satisfied and come back for more. | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Natural resources |Human Resources | |Daranak Falls |Population (2007) Total: 94, 460 | |Kalinawan Cave |Census | |Daong |Pop. |Daraitan River | | |Masungi Rock |Rate | |Tinipak River | | |Batlag Falls |1995 | | |69,181 | | | | | |— | | | | | |2000 | | |78,223 | | | | | |2. 7% | | | | | |2007 | | |94,460 | | | | | |2. 64% | | | | | Population Census of Tanay | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Cultural Resources |Capital Resources | |Parola |Featured Restaurants | |Tanay Park | | |Church of Tanay | | |Bukal Chapel | | |Grotto | | |Dulaang Tanahis | | How to cite Sacramento Valley Resort Tourism Resources, Papers

Monday, April 27, 2020

Journey Symbolism in Literature Essay Example

Journey Symbolism in Literature Essay This analysis will critically analyze the symbolism of journey-and its literary importance- between â€Å"The Road Not Taken† and â€Å"I Used to Live Here†. This critical paper chose to write itself upon symbolism’s journeys within literature. The tales chose are from â€Å"I used to Live Here† (Rhys) as well as â€Å"The Road Not Taken† (Frost). The choice in comparative analysis is due to how they both swim in a sea of metaphorical symbolism.The similarity is that both authors use the symbolisms in their literature. That’s where main similarities end. This researcher will write about how both authors use of symbolism is in different ways. Frost in his â€Å"The Road Not Taken is granted greater freedoms in artistic expression. The short story of Rhys is mainly using the literary techniques common to actual stories and there by constrained in. The irony I think of these tales is the double use of Journey in symbolism.The tale is a journey and yet the journey within that journey is the symbolism in which shows a quest for truth maybe peace and eveven immortality. The journey symbolism used in these tales is a metaphor for the journey of life. Symbol, it is the use of a defined object to represent an otherwise abstract notion or concept. Symbol is originated from Greek in the verb â€Å"symballein† that means to put together and associated noun of â€Å"Symbolon† that means to â€Å"mark- taken- or a sign. (Heritage Dictionary 2008).In literary works, a symbol is udder in the authors’ purposes for putting forth the idea in either a thing or person, or even the plot represents a concept on top of the â€Å"thing’s† literal concept or meaning. The things in literary works like Frost’s poem are a thing like a road that has a common knowledge meaning. The road however: is used to suggest ideas that pertain to more universally applicable lessons that the only common day attributes or characteristics of a road. The appearance of symbols in our literature of Frost’s and Rhys’ writings appear in differeing ays to purport different meanings. Typically the symbols show up in different ways like: A word that may repeat or have significance; A figure of speech that runs the gamete of the story or poem constantly repeating over or creating the major frame work for the protagonist’s battles; a significant happening or event in the story line like a death or â€Å"Aha moment†; Else wise the complete action in the finishing of the story (usually used in short story form like the end of a journey based tale; Then finally the symbol can be a certain character within the story or poem’s dialogue.In the case of Frost, the road takes on characteristics of a character in the journey symbolism and is no longer only a road. The draws of the texts pull the reader in two different ways. The primary pull of Frost here in is the hope of a differen ce from his divergent choice of path in life. The pull of Rhys is in how the sullen acceptance of the person’s passing is the whole purpose of the journey. Frost had themes throughout his written works in which are dealing with the tragedies and fears of humans within their lives.They show his reaction to complex natures that life exhibits; subsequent to that, is his ultimate acceptance from burdens that rise out of life’s little adventures. Literary Symbolism â€Å"A symbol may be roughly defined as something that means more than what it is (Perrine, 76). For frost in this case a simple road that shows lack of use is a life changing metaphor. How either the road choice in this poem symbolizes a journey in life, small or large this symbol can always be seen throughout the history of human story telling.The road is part of Frost’s entire imagery journey throughout his poem. The imagery of grass being less trod upon shows how this pivotal point is in his joy of t aking detours in life’s journey. Thereby, the reader is able to follow Frost’s journey through symbolism in his imagery with resulting emotional conclusion, in his gratitude for the bravery to follow his â€Å"road less traveled†. The journey is the entire premise or symbol of the short story by Rhys in â€Å"I used to Live Here Once†. The symbol of one woman’s journey in her progressive acceptance of life’s major transition.This journey is given subtle imagery hints throughout; from simple things like she finds herself on one side of a river then realizes she is on the opposite side of the river , along with how rocks which were once slippery and treacherous now she finds, cause her no more difficulty than a walk in a garden. Some speculate that the journey into death is the premise of journey symbolized in this short story. Taken then at face value the author also is using it also as simple journey from where the story physically begins to the journey back to the protagonist’s home.The speculation of death is in her destination to the children playing where either of the children does not notice her, then the sudden chill, felt by the children when she reaches out to touch them. The story transitions back and forth from the narrator and the lady which shows some flaws within the author’s Point of View for narration. To start with, a journey one has to make the first step. â€Å"She† the main character begins the journey at the brink of a river.Recalling the intricacies, we hear her thought process on memories of countless times crossing the river and lessons learned about the stepping stones with in this river like the stepping stones across the river of life that constantly flows past people. She speaks of how familiar she is with this starting point of the journey, and yet this time the beginning of the journey registers in her mind as different. Within the journey, there is a feeling as if the narrator is almost a parrot looking over the main character’s shoulder, haunting movements.The narrator details the thoughts on the familiar stones and the times she has made mistakes in jumping from one-step to the next. â€Å"The round unsteady stone, the pointed one, the flat one in the middle of the river- the safe stone where you could stand and look around. The next one was not so safe for when the river got full and water flowed over it and even when it showed dry, and even when it showed dry it was slippery (Rhys, 1996). † A literary clue of the stones comes from how in-depth the narrator describes the stones. Involving the stones at such a depth so early on in the story is an example of foretelling.When an author overtly or subtly tells the reader the item is involved at a deeper level come from past or future points. Following â€Å"She† leaving the river is another stage of the journey symbolism. There some was almost a dream like transition from the river to the road. In a almost instantaneous transition like happens in dreams ‘She† finds herself by the road. There comes a nebulous sense that some time had passed since She’d last set foot on this area. The narrator describes through her thought process in just how the road seemed different. T]he road being wider than before, yet noticing it looked old not a newly paved road. There were trees fallen that had not been cleared, and the brush was over grown and trampled. (Rhys,1996) The protagonist remembers countless times walking this same road before. There is an odd item here that with such a lot of work being done here with road broadening and trees being felled that she would not notice such a significant thing on her other journeys on this road. In comes the motif of the story in how She is constantly trying to identify with her life before she began a current journey that she has just started.The thematic journey motif is continually shown in her transit ion form one stage of self-actualization to the next. It is shown on how when descriptive details, dialogues, figurative language and other actions develop a tale’s motif; otherwise shown as a repeated type of pattern throughout the story at hand. Rhys (1976) uses creative elements in their use here. â€Å"The Sky seemed glassy† â€Å"The road seemed different† etc.. Thusly showing a continual disconnectedness from her surroundings and her constant attempt at trying to understand why things felt so off place compared to her memories of where she used to live.The repeated used of this motif show the identifying of past life journey create the main premise for the entire story. Life is a journey, as is our afterlife. This is the theme and symbolic journey from both I Used to Live Here (Rhys 1976), and The Road Not Taken (Frost). Both of these tales give allegorical symbolism throughout the story in the journeys of their protagonists. Some journies lead to self-act ualization and or acceptance of what the person should learn. In Frot’s Poem the author shows how in his journey he learned just how taken the unbeaten path or life’s detours can â€Å"make all the difference†.In Rhys’ story/prose, the journey She’s given allows her to accept life’s transition and to move on to what new journeys may await.References American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed. ). Washington, DC: Author. D, M. Chapter 25 Social Relations. In D. Myers, Exploring Social Psychology. Yale University Press. Holybee, W. (2008, March 15). Retrieved March 15, 2008, from mailto://[emailprotected] net Heritage American Dictionary 2008 McGraw Hill Publishers Perrine, L. (2005). Structure, Sounde and Sense. Harcourt: Brace Jovanovich.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Definition and Examples of Cooperative Overlap

Definition and Examples of Cooperative Overlap In conversation analysis, the term cooperative overlap refers to a face-to-face interaction in which one speaker talks at the same time as another speaker to demonstrate an interest in the conversation. In contrast, an interruptive overlap is a competitive strategy in which one of the speakers attempts to dominate the conversation. The term cooperative overlap was introduced by sociolinguist Deborah Tannen in her book Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among Friends (1984). Examples and Observations [Patrick] had to wait another five minutes or so before his wife remembered he was there. The two women were  talking at the same time, asking and answering their own questions. They created a whirlwind of happy chaos.(Julie Garwood, The Secret. Penguin, 1992)Mama sat with Mama Pellegrini, the two of them talking so rapidly that their words and  sentences overlapped  completely. Anna wondered, as she listened from the parlor, how they could understand what each was saying. But they laughed at the same time and raised or lowered their voices at the same time.(Ed Ifkovic,  A Girl Holding Lilacs. Writers Club Press, 2002) Tannen on High Involvement Style One of the most striking aspects of high involvement style that I found and analyzed in detail was the use of what I called cooperative overlap: a listener talking along with a speaker not in order to interrupt but to show enthusiastic listenership and participation. The concept of overlap versus interruption became one of the cornerstones of my argument that the stereotype of New York Jews as pushy and aggressive is an unfortunate reflection of the effect of high involvement style in conversation with speakers who use a different style. (In my study I called the other style high considerateness).(Deborah Tannen, Gender and Discourse. Oxford University Press, 1994) Cooperation or Interruption? Cooperative overlap occurs when one interlocutor is showing her enthusiastic support and agreement with another. Cooperative overlap occurs when the speakers view silence between turns as impolite or as a sign of a lack of rapport. While an overlap may be construed as cooperative in a conversation between two friends, it may be construed as an interruption when between boss and employee. Overlaps and interrogative have different meanings depending on the speakers ethnicity, gender, and relative status differences. For example, when a teacher, a person of higher status, overlaps with her student, a person of lower status, typically the overlap is interpreted as an interruption.(Pamela Saunders, Gossip in an Older Womens Support Group: A Linguistic Analysis. Language and Communication in Old Age: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, ed. by Heidi E. Hamilton. Taylor Francis, 1999) Different Cultural Perceptions of Cooperative Overlap [T]he two-way nature of cross-cultural differences typically eludes participants in the throes of conversation. A speaker who stops talking because another has begun is unlikely to think, I guess we have different attitudes toward cooperative overlap. Instead, such a speaker will probably think, You are not interested in hearing what I have to say, or even You are a boor who only wants to hear yourself talk. And the cooperative overlapper is probably concluding, You are unfriendly and are making me do all the conversational work here... (Deborah Tannen, Language and Culture, in An Introduction to Language and Linguistics, ed. by R. W. Fasold and J. Connor-Linton. Cambridge University Press, 2000)

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Definition and Examples of Aphorisms

Definition and Examples of Aphorisms An aphorism is a  tersely phrased statement of a truth or opinion or a brief statement of a principle. This is also known as (or similar to) a  saying, maxim, adage, saw dictum, and precept. In The Advancement of Learning (1605), Francis Bacon noted that aphorisms go to the pith and heart of sciences, leaving out illustrations, examples, connections, and applications. In the  article Rhetorical Technique and Governance, Kevin Morrell and Robin Burrow observe that aphorisms are a highly flexible, powerful rhetorical format that can support claims based on logos, ethos, and pathos (Rhetoric in British Politics and Society, 2014). Examples and Observations The word aphorism was first employed by Hippocrates to describe a collection of concise principles, primarily medical, beginning with the famous, Life is short, art is long, opportunity fleeting, experimentation dangerous, reasoning difficult. . . . Eventually, the term was applied to statements of principles in law and agriculture and extended to other areas.(G. A. Test, Satire: Spirit and Art. University Press of Florida, 1991)Sits he on ever so high a throne, a man still sits on his bottom.(Montaigne)If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.(attributed to Jackie Moms Mabley)I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.(often attributed to Voltaire, the words are in fact Tallentyres summary of Voltaires attitude toward Helvetius after the burning of the latters writings in 1759)All men should strive to learn before they die, what they are running from, and to, and why.(James Thurber)The first rule of Fight Cl ub is, you do not talk about Fight Club.(Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden, Fight Club) An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.(H.L. Mencken)Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise.(Alice Walker)Your children need your presence more than your presents.(Jesse Jackson)We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.(Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night, 1961) A Five-Part Definition of Aphorism James Geary, in his best-selling  The World in a Phrase [2011],  gives a five-part definition of the form. It must be brief. It must be definitive. It must be personal. (I like his corollary: This is what distinguishes the form from proverbs, for instance, which are really worn-out aphorisms that have had the identity of the original author rubbed away through repeated use.) It must be philosophical. And it must have a twist.(Sarah Manguso, In Short. Harpers, September 2016) The Manipulative Power of Aphorisms Anything that can educate can also manipulate, and anyone selling anything to the public, dictators, CEOs, advertising executives, knows the power of easy-to-remember expressions. I, for one, still believe that It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken. Effective ad copy, of course, doesnt have to be true; it simply has to be catchy. But a well-honed aphorism not only stops us in our tracks; it impedes our moving forward. Even if we dont immediately buy into it, it can still deliver a wallop: There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper, Camille Paglia tells us. Is this worth discussing? Or are we being bamboozled by the phrases conspicuous symmetry? True or not, some aphorisms make it hard to imagine anything better ever being said on the subject. . . . And herein lies the danger as well as the appeal of the aphorism. A statement can be so well put that its cogency is entirely dependent on its formulation, but as soon as we reflect on it we may come to another conclusion.(Arthur Krystal, Too True: The Art of the Aphorism. Except When I Write: Reflections of a Recovering Critic, Oxford University  Press, 2011) The quoting of an aphorism, like the angry barking of a dog or the smell of overcooked broccoli, rarely indicates that something helpful is about to happen.(Lemony Snicket, Horseradish: Bitter Truths You Cant Avoid. HarperCollins, 2007) The Lighter Side of Aphorisms I have been testing the  aphorism, A watched pot never boils. I have boiled the same amount of water in this kettle 62 times. In some cases I have ignored the kettle; in others, I have watched it intently. In every instance, the water reaches its boiling point in precisely 51.7 seconds. It appears I am not capable of perceiving time any differently than my internal chronometer.(Lt. Commander Data in Timescape.  Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1993)

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Characters in OConnors stories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Characters in OConnors stories - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the characters of the grandmother in O’Connor’s story ‘A Good Man is Hard to Find’ and Mrs. Ruby Turpin in ‘Revelation’ are similar to a great extent. Grandma, a widow lives with her son’s family including grandchildren while Mrs. Turpin lives with her husband only. Both are in need of Catholic Grace and they belong to the Afro-American population. Both the characters are overconfident about their image, beliefs, and traditions. Grandma remarks about the current generation, saying, â€Å"In my time†¦ children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else. People did right then†. On the other hand, Mrs. Turpin gets satisfaction in nomenclature – â€Å"white-trash woman†, â€Å"the pleasant lady† etc.   She likes scrutinizing people around her and derived at conclusions about them. She also contemplates what she could be if she is not herself. She always thanks Jesus for making her what she is and she also feels that Jesus is good to her. In contrast, Grandma believes that the finest lady God has made is her mother and does not directly talk of God’s blessings on herself. However, both retain their pride and feels that God’s has some extra favor on them. Unlike Mrs. Turpin, the latter, however, does not live in a world of fantasy or dreams and in contrast, she is more practical as she knows the ways and directions and keeps herself updated with the news of the Misfit.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Risk Assessment Is the Health, Safety and Environmental Management Coursework

Risk Assessment Is the Health, Safety and Environmental Management - Coursework Example This essay explores the methods of risk identification that are applicable to the health, safety, and environmental issues. Brainstorming is a method used across all disciplines to identify risk. Groups of professionals come together and verbally identify the risks that are in their sectors. In this method, all the people involved need to be informed and well equipped with the general knowledge so that they can appreciate the opinions of the others. Relevant documentation is required after the brainstorming exercise so that the information can be stored for use in the evaluation exercise. Interviews can also be used to identify risks that are bound to occur in a certain field of interest. Precaution should be taken on the kind of person interviewee since it affects the reliability of the kind of information that will be collected. It is normally advised that an interview is carried out after a brainstorming session to have appropriate questions to ask in the interview. However, inter views are limited to the capabilities of the facilitator and therefore he/she should be competent in carrying out interviews. Experiments can be performed to identify a risk. In the health sector, experiments can be performed on animals that have reaction characteristic similar to those of humans. In the environment samples can be set aside, experiments performed on them, and the results of the experiments used to identify a risk. Risks can be identified by reading documented knowledge. Researches were done previously and knowledge from books and journal is an important source of information in risk identification. However, the researcher should be cautious when using this knowledge to ensure that it is relevant and from a credible source. A lot of research has been done in the safety and health sector and the documented information could offer solutions in identifying risks. Documented historical knowledge that is widely accepted as a fact could be used in risk identification

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Types of Exercise in Sports

Types of Exercise in Sports Sport was known as part of exercise where most people used to stay in healthy lifestyle. Exercise is the bodys physical exertion. The main function of exercise is to achieve a higher level of fitness and health, for both physically and mentally. Sport is an competitive,organized, skillful, and entertaining physical activity. To be the winner, the player requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play that can be defined by objective means. Sport was divided into few categories where it divided into different categories age and gender. This arrangement usually helps them in order to give a comfortable exercise to certain people. There will be not a old man are doing heavy exercise like going gym. Of course only to those who young want who they are full energetic. Human being will destroys the good condition for lack of activity, to save it and preserve it do some movement and methodical physical exercise. Sport exercise gives so many health advantages to people who take advantage from i t. Participating one on physical activities can add further years into yourself, and the more you will exercise, the more benefits that you get. You will also get to avoid health diseases and also delay our death when you regularly engage yourself upon physical activities as well as sport exercise. Light sport also known as simple exercise, were usually use by most people when they are having little time to exercise and have a problem of doing heavy exercise. It commonly practices by elder people, pregnant woman, patience and young children. This is the opposite of when a person is having an active lifestyle and exercising.  Ã‚   This study focused on the important of doing somethings to breaks throughout the day to stand up and move around. Step out from the environment you are, take quick walk outside, and walk up and down the stairs few times around the building. A light exercise involves small movement, time and energy to perform. Light exercise is a kind of exercise that usually causes less energy and stamina. It is also make the person less sweat and dehydrate too. Although to some people who is in this range feel that it make cause less tiredness, but it work within long term effect rather than do nothing. This exercise actually creates a light movement between the ank le, muscle joined and heartbeat. The moment when they do a walk, it takes a 3 combination and less energy to perform. The longer the person walks, the more tired they will be. This is because the effect of doing light type exercise in a long term. It also giving another long term effect is they will slowly overcome the matter of leg pain for long walk exercise. This exercise usually did not require any special attention and can be perform at any time as they wish. From home to office, from young to old doesnt give any problem. But it recommended for the person who listed earlier to perform for their capability over to stay in health. Here is some few example of light exercise which is categories of light exercise. They are walking, stretching body, Chinese Tai-chi, gardening, cycling, dumb bell and much more. The second type of exercise is so called medium exercise are usually perform for moderate person at different age. It doesnt care any of the gender arrangement or requirement. This medium exercise usually performs in small amount in time and to those loves to save time. This medium exercise requires an amount of concentration, energy or stamina, time and place. It also can be perform by a group of people and solo. It train a lot of body part and cause performer to sweat a lot dehydrate even much more compare to the light exercise. It might be also need some specified skill to perform on the right way because once they perform it on the wrong way, it may cause muscle cramp. For the short term effect, it may reduce smoker to smoke. This is because they might exhaust but only exercise reduces the chances of taking any nicotine and tar in their body. This will make the smoker not to take any cigarette as their throat is drying and if let say they smoke, this person might be in very high chance for getting throat cancer. In the long term effect of this medium exercise, it may bring a healthy lifestyle and physical attitude as well. The long term effect usually takes time to as to the person especially in their daily mood. The person who less exercise, their face is pale or looks tired but if compare with the person who do exercise, they have more energetic and confident looks. This effect also will bring close relationship and build up strong neighborhood if they done it together. But to some people who are disable, they also can perform sport as the part of their exercise. They perform in sport like track sport, field sport like futsal and more according to their convenience. It is proven where the is special sports day were introduce just for them. There are few example of medium type of exercise that practice by most people. They are cycling, walking uphill, jogging, Tae Kwan Do, swimming, running, and much more. This some part is actually providing sufficient li festyle to avoid any of negative impact or disease. Hard or professional type exercise is another kind of exercise where this involves to active people and to people loves diet. This type usually takes a lot of concentrations as to prevent any side causes or muscle injured too. Plus this exercise requires all of energy and full stamina. It also have to be assisted by professional incase of not clear or not sure about it. This exercise performs by athlete and to all active people. It takes all the energy and power to perform while it also takes a full concentration to play the sport. If suddenly the player lost concentration, it may cause a major injury and might be cause paralyze too. The physical activity involves the movement of people, animals and/or a variety of objects such as balls and machines or equipment. This professional exercise, usually require a place that suit to the sport like stadium, or gym center. It also can be perform on the game court too as to a game like basketball or tennis. This game gives everyone a chance t o practice on how to work with team and think a strategy to win the game. Like basketball, from what we see is a 3 versus 3 games. But in the three people they need teamwork so that they can pass the ball and score. Besides that, they also need to think a strategy on breaking through opponent defenses and score without playing fault. In gym, they will train in specified machine to help them in body building. This training in gym is especially in abdomen and shoulder where they are 85% chances in use of the body part. They also have a chance on meeting new people to train human skill and share their experience together. Whenever you indulge yourself into sports, you were even meeting new people. Apart from being an exciting and joyful activity, sports give a lot of various advantages to our character. It can serve as a good source of pleasure. Sport is a fantastic physical activity, and this may also develop a better physical image than these persons who do not do it. Training is als o give a chance to provide them more time to be control the stage of games too. With a fully all strategy, teamwork, training, concentration and full energy, there is no way for other to any change to stop them from growing. Plus physical activities can significantly help from the decline of ones depressive symptoms. Persistent health problems are usually preventable with routine exercise. When you make this a habit to workout daily, you will be able to avoid unsafe health problems from any kind of cause. Exercise forms is resistance for the body, also it functions on strengthening your muscles. Sports, one of the most active activities compare to other where it cause the heartbeat and sweat part of the entire body toxin out. Plus it reduces chances of getting sick or even flu. In every minute the heartbeat, the body pulse is double than usual where it give chance to human to breath twice as fast to capture the oxygen the blood cell. Every human pulse requires a full concentration where it helps to keep on line of the body blood cycle. If let say they over the limit of one minute heartbeat, they might get faint as also heart shock and body cramp. This are often happen to some of the athlete where they push up the maximum limited of their body level. There are also can possibility cause of easily broken bones if they did not train. This effect actually related to calcium consumption and exercise training. In research of health central, there will be long and short term effect. In the short term effect, it increases the flexibility of the bones and strengthens the bones and joint especially when playing an outdoor sport. But in long term of sport, this will reduce the chances of broken bones, delaying muscle loss, and reduce risk of loosen the bones and joint. Therefore, sport does play an important role in humans life as they bring a healthy life to even live longer.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Examination Is Good or Bad for Students Essay

The news that mid-term exams have been cancelled in some primary schools recently has sparked quite a few controversies. Some people regard it as a big step in educational reform, while others question whether it is on the right track. Parents, teachers and students, the three parts involved, have all reacted a little bit pessimistically toward the new policy. Parents, always busy working to support their families, feel that they are losing an important quantified judgment for their children’s behaviour or performance at school and are more worried than relaxed about their children’s increased spare time. Most of them, I believe, prefer bookworms to idlers or addicts. Some parents have decided to pay more for after-school classes. Teachers, whose feet have been bound for a long time in teaching children, are beginning to lose their last control over the already spoilt students. How to check the teaching and learning effect? How to communicate with parents? How to keep students working hard to get good marks in the later, more important exams? Furthermore, maintaining their full work load, they are required to squeeze more of their meagre spare time to prepare additional lessons for â€Å"quality education†. On the other hand, the suddenly liberated students have to find ways to fill their time. They delay homework and sometimes become addicted to computer games or just wander the streets. Adopting a bad habit is much easier than forming a good one. Objectively, the exam itself is not bad. It is a most effective measure of a student’s knowledge, performance and ability. But people have made it into a disaster. Since when was our education caught in such a vicious circle? Textbooks have remained unchanged for many years and have become purely ornamental, while exam questions are changed from year to year. The only way to do this is to use more and more tricky questions. In fact, what we test our students on is much more difficult than what textbooks teach. To satisfy real needs, both teachers and students choose to be drowned in a sea of exercises and exams. On the other hand, years of cramming miscellaneous rules, formulae and information may have strengthened our students’ ability to imitate, memorize and take exams, but at the cost of their initiative and creativity, two of the most important qualities that a student should possess. That may well answer the question why there is no Nobel-prize winner in China. I interpret the purposes of abandoning these exams as follows: First, it is to answer the call of reducing students’ heavy burdens in their studies and return to them their happy childhood. For years, we have been appealing for students to be freed from mountains of homework and extra classes, to no avail. Students have to do that! Only through immersion in all kinds of exercises and classes can most of them get comparatively satisfying results in various exams. Therefore, the cancellation of exams is intended to remove a root cause of students’ toil and give them more play time. Second, it is to help relieve students of great pressure and protect their self-esteem. In fact, what frightens students are not exams, but the tremendous strain and high expectations behind them. Exams divide students into â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad†, leading some of them to a paradise of beautiful flowers and sweet compliments and others to a hell of bitter criticisms and severe punishments. Exams often bring parents ecstasy or plunge them into the abyss of misery. Exams determine students’ futures and are a crystallization of a single person’s success or failure and a whole family’s hope or disillusionment. Since their first school day, students have been preparing for a diversified exam. For that reason, the cancellation of exams seems to save most families from suffering. But I doubt whether the benefits could be realized – mid-term exams in primary schools are only one minor link in a whole chain of exams. Will all these exams, eg. inal-term exams, Secondary School Entrance Exams, College Entrance Exams, and broad after-school exams for certificates in social achievement be called off too? If not, students dare not shrug away their shackles and their fragile self-esteem will not last for long and their happiness is doomed to be temporary. On the other hand, if a student’s self-esteem totally depends on the cancellation of exams, it would be too weak to protect. Our society is neither an ivory tower nor a haven of peace. It is full of competition and struggles. Setbacks are inevitable and we need them to temper ourselves. Don’t be misunderstanding. I am not an exam advocator. The exam-oriented education stifles teachers as it does students. What I mean is that we cannot solve a problem by taking only a stopgap measure. The root cause lies not in exams, but in the whole educational system. The first thing we should do is to change our inherent educational ideas of talent cultivation and create an active, healthy environment of teaching and learning. It will be a long way. What we need is not the cancellation of a single exam, but an earthquake in our education.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Angora Goat Facts

The angora goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) is a domestic goat which has been deliberately bred to produce a soft, luxurious coat suitable for human textile manufacture.  Angoras were first developed in Asia Minor, between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, perhaps as much as 2,500 years ago—references to the use of goat hair as a textile appear in the Hebrew Bible.   Fast Facts: Angora Goats Scientific Name: Capra hircus aegagrus (the name for all domesticated goats)Common Names: Angora goat, mohair goatBasic Animal Group: MammalSize: Height at withers: 36–48 inches  Ã‚  Weight: 70–225 poundsLifespan: 10 yearsDiet:  HerbivoreHabitat: Semi-arid pastures in Asia Minor, US (Texas), South AfricaPopulation: ca 350,000Conservation Status: Not Evaluated   Description The scientific name for Angora goats is Capra hircus aegagrus, but that name is also used to refer to most other domestic goats. All belong to the order Artiodactyle, family Bovidae, subfamily Caprinae, and genus Capra.   Angora goats are small in relation to dairy goats or sheep. Adult females stand 36 inches tall and weigh between 70–110 pounds; males stand 48 inches tall and weigh 180–225 pounds. Their main defining characteristic is long (8–10 inches at shearing) ringlets of hair which are fine, silky, lustrous, and dazzlingly white in color and contain little oil in the fleece.  That hair, known as mohair, is a coveted and expensive resource when converted to textiles and sold in sweaters and other clothing. Raw mohair is graded on the basis of fiber thickness, and the best prices to be obtained are hairs that are between 24 and 25 microns thick. Both males and females are horned unless the farmer removes them. Bucks have horns which can reach two or more feet long and have a pronounced spiral, while female horns are comparatively short, 9–10 inches long and straight or slightly spiraled.   Male angora goat in profile. Dmaroscar / Getty Images Plus Habitat and Distribution Angora goats thrive in mostly semi-arid regions with dry, hot summers and cold winters. They originated in Asia Minor and were first successfully exported to other countries beginning in the mid-19th century. Populations were established in South Africa in 1838, and the US on or near the Edwards Plateau of Texas in 1849. Other substantive populations today are managed in Argentina, Lesotho, Russia, and Australia. These goats are almost all in managed (rather than wild) populations, and they are often artificially inseminated, dehorned, and otherwise controlled. Adult angoras are sheared on a biannual basis, producing weights of up to about 10 pounds per year of long, silky fibers between 8–10 inches long. The goats are quite susceptible to cold and wet weather after they have been sheared, for periods up to 4–6 weeks. Close up of mohair on an angora goat. CookedPhotos / Getty Images Plus Diet and Behavior   Goats are browsers and grazers, and they prefer brush, tree leaves, and rough plants, reaching the lower parts of trees by standing on their hind legs. They are often pastured with sheep and cattle since each species prefers different plants. Angoras can improve pastures and reforestation areas by controlling leafy spurge and destroying a range of nuisance plants such as multiflora roses, sand burs, and Canadian thistle. Goats like to go under or through obstacles, so agricultural specialists suggest that five-wire electric fences, woven-wire, or small-mesh fencing is required to keep them penned in. While most goats are not aggressive towards humans, they can do serious or lethal damage to other goats with their horns, especially during the rutting season. Reproduction and Offspring Angora goats have two sexes, and the male is considerably larger than the female. Billies begin rutting in the fall, a behavior that initiates estrus in the females. Little is known about natural herds and group behaviors since studies have been primarily confined to managed populations. Breeding lasts between late September into December (in the northern hemisphere); gestation typically lasts between 148–150 days. Kids are born between late February through April or early May.   Angoras typically have one, two, or on rare occasions three kids, once a year, depending on herd size and management strategy. Kids are extremely delicate at birth and need protection for the first few days if the weather is cold or damp. Kids feed on mothers milk until they are weaned at about 16 weeks. Kids become sexually mature at 6–8 months, but only about half have kids of their own in the first year. Angora goats have a lifespan of about 10 years. An Angora goat (Capra hircus aegagrus) nursing a kid. Pelooyen / Getty Images Plus Conservation Status   Angora goats have not been evaluated as to conservation status, and there are at least 350,000 in different managed populations. Few are wild; the majority live in commercial herds which are grown to produce mohair. Sources Breeds of Livestock—Angora Goats. Oklahoma State University, 1999Jensen, Harriet L., George B. Holcomb, and Howard W. Kerr, Jr. Angora Goats: A Small-Scale Agriculture Alternative. Small Farm Program, University of California Davis, 1993.Jordan, R. M. Angora Goats in the Midwest. North Central Regional Extension Publication 375, 1990.  McGregor, B. A. Investigating the Angora Goat Agro-Pastoral Production System in Southern Australia. Small Ruminant Research 163 (2018): 10–14.  McGregor, B. A., and A. M. Howse. The Effects of Mid Pregnancy and Postnatal Nutrition, Birth Parity and Sex on Angora Goat Live Weight Gain, Skin Follicle Development, Mohair Physical Properties and Fleece Value. Small Ruminant Research 169 (2018): 8–18.  Shelton, Maurice. Angora Goat and Mohair Production. San Angelo, TX: Anchor Publishing, 1993.  Visser, Carina, et al. Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in South African, French and Argentinian Angora Goats from Genome-Wi de Snp Data. PLOS ONE 11.5 (2016): e0154353.